Joel’s Site

Tinkering, designing, & automating.

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Hey there! Welcome to my site. I’m going to blog about projects I’m working on, keep up to date lists of what gear I’m using & reviews of said gear if I’m particularly opinionated about it, and collect resources that I find particularly useful. Do have a poke around if you fancy.

There will be smatterings of content about homelabbing, building ergonomic and aesthetic desk setups, mechanical keyboards and scripting/DevOps bits.

I’ll probably end up writing with a load of technical jargon as that’s just what I’m interested in, but I’ll explain things in the way that I understand them, in the hopes that you can follow along, and I’ll link to good resources so you can fill in the gaps on your own.



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Lists of gear I use, if there’s a blog or review of it I’ll link it.


Browse by projects.


January 0001


I’m Joel, I’m a DevOps engineer at Giant Digital. Right now I’m mainly working with GitHub Actions, Python, Bash, Ansible, GraphQL, and a few other languages. More than specific languages, I care about developing in many meanings of the word: Of course developing tools, systems and processes that make life easier, both if you’re using and making software. Software with courageous goals that achieves those goals elegantly, intuitively, and transparently are both quality of life improvers and teaching tools within themselves.

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